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Work Programme Archive
Economy, Resilience and Vulnerability
This work focuses on the nature of the Irish economy, its underlying strengths, areas of vulnerability. It examines various ways in which resilience can be understood and framed, in the face of continuing turbulence and fundamental crises of climate change and biodiversity loss. Below is a short excerpt from Understanding the Irish Economy in a…
Lessons from the Pandemic
The nature of the Covid-19 pandemic means it has impacted on almost every aspect of our lives: from how we interact and socialise, to how we work, to how we learn, to how we consume, and more. These impacts reveal lessons for many facets of our world, including lessons for public policy. Those lessons were…
Well-Being Framework
The 2020 Programme for Government committed to developing a set of well-being indices for Ireland, to create a well-rounded, holistic view of how Irish society is faring; and to utilise these indices in a systematic way across government policymaking at local and national levels, in setting budgetary priorities, evaluating programmes and reporting progress. Since then,…
Digital Inclusion
Society is changing profoundly as a result of Covid-19, and information and communications technology (ICT) is playing a critical role. ICT is helping our society function effectively with less proximate contact, whether it is in terms of remote working, learning or recreational activity. This has brought to the fore some long-standing issues in relation to…
Shared Island
NESC has been undertaking, at the request of the Department of the Taoiseach, a programme of research to produce a comprehensive report on the Shared Island to inform the development of the Shared Island Initiative as a whole of Government priority. The most recent report, Exploring Shared Opportunities in the North West: Findings from Focus Groups,…
Transition Teams
Addressing Employment Vulnerability as Part of a Just Transition in Ireland The transitions to a low-carbon, more technological Ireland are underway and intertwined. The Government has correctly sought to play its part in mitigating any negative impacts these changes may have on employment. In 2019, the Government asked NESC to identify steps that could be…
Welfare and Employment
There have been profound societal changes since the establishment of the social welfare system in Ireland, and changes to the social welfare system, by and large, reflect these changes. This project considers anticipated future changes and discusses possibilities for the future direction of the Irish social welfare system. The project makes reference to previous work…
Climate Change
Ireland is in a critical phase of national policy development on climate change and transition to a low-carbon economy and society. There are considerable public governance challenges in such a transition. This project addressed governance and institutional arrangements for policy analysis, engagement, decision making and implementation. Methods of appraisal; Multi-stakeholder agreements on energy and low-carbon…
Jobless Households and the Quality of Supportive Services
In Ireland, the percentage of people living in households where no-one is working or where there is only marginal attachment to the labour force is higher than in most other European countries. These ‘low work intensity’ households experience much higher poverty rates and there is a long-lasting negative impact on the children growing up in…