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Transport-Orientated Development: Assessing Opportunity for Ireland Background Case Studies
- June 2019
- Report number: 14
- Topics: Environment Transport
- Types: NESC Research Series
This background paper provides an analysis of international and national evidence on the role of transport in widening the potential of active land management through unlocking land for housing, sustainable urban development, and regeneration. The key points were summarised in the main document Transport-Orientated Development: Assessing Opportunity for Ireland (NESC, 2019). This background paper provides instructive cases of transport-orientated development (TOD), in some shape or form, examined here to reveal generalisable lessons for any such strategy in Ireland. The fictional TOD garden city known as Uxcester is also examined as an example of a model for the development of these types of cities involving investment in transport. It was proposed in an essay that won first prize in the 2014 Wolfson Economics Prize competition. The experience of regional planning in Cork including plans to develop a rail corridor is also examined. The paper concludes with the report of a field-study visit to Nantes in France.
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