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Shared Island: Projects, Progress & Policy, Sharing Knowledge and Lessons in Combatting Poverty
- December 2021
- Report number: 28
- Topics: Social
- Types: NESC Secretariat Papers
As part of the Shared Island research project this report from the NESC Secretariat shares knowledge and lessons in combatting poverty in the island of Ireland.
The report finds that poverty is a concern for both parts of the island and both jurisdictions have an anti-poverty strategy or is in the process of preparing one, as well as policies and programmes to support disadvantaged groups and areas. A key learning from these programmes and initiatives is the importance of state, community, and voluntary bodies working together to address disadvantage, whilst listening to and drawing on the knowledge and experience of people living in these local areas.
While cooperation across the island on addressing poverty is limited there are some initiatives that support this. The future challenge is to build on these initiatives by sharing knowledge and lessons to work towards the reduction of poverty on both parts of the island.