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Quality and Standards in Human Services in Ireland: Residential Care for Older People
- September 2012
- Report number: 128
- Types: NESC Council Reports
Quality and Standards in Human Services in Ireland: Residential Care for Older People (Executive Summary)
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Quality and Standards in Human Services in Ireland: Residential Care for Older People (Main Report)
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Quality and Standards in Human Services in Ireland: Residential Care for Older People ( Non Technical Summary)
Format: PDF
In this report, Quality and Standards in Human Services: Residential Care for Older People, NESC argues that the HIQA standards for residential centres for older people, in place since 2009, have increased confidence in the quality of care in these centres.
These standards apply to all centres, public, private and voluntary; and owners and managers have greater responsibility under the new systems than previously. There is also a stronger focus on the residents, as their agreement is now required on the care they receive.
Centre managers must collect date to monitor the health of, and risks to residents. This is a new and sometimes time-consuming requirement. There may also be a need to find resources to improve premises, for the training of staff. In this sense, implementing the standards can be challenging.
Centre managers reported that they would like more guidance and information from HIQA on how to meet the standards. This information could be particulary helpful advice for ‘average’ centres trying to improve their care. Sharing best practice on good management and care processes could help reduce costs, while improving quality.
The reports recommends setting up a problem solving group with providers of residential centres, the Department of Health, and HIQA, to address the challenges of providing sufficient quality care for older people in the current economic context.
Press Release
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