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Organisational Effectiveness

Governance and Financial Reporting

NESDO is committed to attaining the highest standard of corporate governance within the organisation. The overall governance and control framework within NESDO is guided by compliance with the NESDO Act 2006 and the Provisions of the Code of Practice for the Governance of State Bodies (2016).

During 2022, given the introduction of NESDO’s Blended Working policy, particular emphasis continued on monitoring the control environment operating in NESDO, focussing on financial and data management.

Risk Management

The effective management of organisational risk requires robust control processes to support NESDO and the Board in achieving NESDO’s objectives. Risk and control functions are established in the role of Audit & Risk Committee appointed by the Board, who review performance, risk matters including policy and practice.  NESDO has an established Risk Register which is reviewed and approved at regular intervals by the Audit & Risk Committee.

Public Sector Duty

The Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission Act (2014) requires that NESDO conducts an assessment of the human rights and equality issues it believes to be relevant to the functions and purpose of NESDO; set out the policies, plans and actions in place or proposed to be put in place to address those issues; and report on developments and achievements regarding the Public Sector Duty in its annual report.

Ethics in Public Office Legislation

As a public body, NESDO is required under section 22 of the Protected Disclosures Act 2014, to publish an annual report in relation to the number of protected disclosures made to it in the preceding year, and the action taken in response to any such protected disclosures.

No protected disclosures were made to NESDO in the period 1 January to 31 December 2023.

Freedom of Information

NESDO received no Freedom of Information (FOI) requests in 2023.

Offsetting Emissions Associated with Official Air Travel

In line with provisions of Circular 01/2020, NESDO recorded the following Emissions associated with official air travel usage for 2023 as follows:-

  • The total kilometres travelled via flights: 11152
  • The tonnes of CO2 applicable 2006: 1.2006
  • Amount remitted to the Department of the
    Environment, Climate and Communications: €58.23

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