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NESC Publishes Council Report 134: The Social Dimensions of the Crisis: The Evidence and its Implications
- 14 May 2013
- Type: Press Releases
Dublin, Ireland The Social Dimensions of the Economic Crisis The greatest social impact of the economic crisis in Ireland has been the large and sustained increase in unemployment, and in particular, an increase in the number of households where no-one has a job. This is the conclusion of a National Economic and Social Council (NESC)…
NESC Publishes Council Report 133: Achieving Quality in Ireland’s Human Services – A Synthesis Report
- 21 November 2012
- Type: Press Releases
NESC publishes eighth report in series which reviews quality in our public services Achieving Quality in Our Public Services In recent years, there has been a ‘silent revolution’ in the regulation of many of our public services, for example, through HIQA and others. ‘There is now greater attention to the quality of services, and the…
NESC publishes Council Report 132: Quality and Standards in Human Services in Ireland: Disability Services
- 30 October 2012
- Topic: Disability
- Type: Press Releases
NESC publishes seventh report in series which reviews quality in our public services Today NESC launches its 7th report on quality in public services, Quality and Standards in Human Services in Ireland: Disability Services. The report reviews existing regulation and quality processes in Ireland’s disability services, drawing on interviews with a range of stakeholders. With formal regulation…
NESC publishes Council Reports 130: Quality and Standards in Human Services in Ireland: Home Care for Older People, and Quality and Standards in Human Services in Ireland: End-of-Life Care in Hospitals
- 16 October 2012
- Type: Press Releases
Dublin, Ireland NESC publishes the sixth and seventh of a new series of reports which review quality in our public services. Achieving quality in public services requires both a commitment to preventing harms and a search for continuous improvement. Over the last decade there has been a ‘silent revolution’ in establishing regulatory infrastructure in the…
NESC publishes Council Report 129: Quality and Standards in Human Services in Ireland:The School System and NESC Secretariat Paper (02): Understanding PISA and What it tells us about Educational Standards in Ireland
- 2 October 2012
- Type: Press Releases
Dublin, Ireland Achieving Quality in the School System In its report published today on Quality and Standards in Human Services in Ireland: The School System, the National Economic and Social Council (NESC) argues that while there have been many developments in schools including school evaluation, curriculum development, student welfare and teacher accreditation, there still remains…
NESC publishes Council Report 129: Quality and Standards in Human Services in Ireland:The School System and NESC Secretariat Paper (02): Understanding PISA and What it tells us about Educational Standards in Ireland
- 2 October 2012
- Type: Press Releases
Achieving Quality in the School System In its report published today on Quality and Standards in Human Services in Ireland: The School System, the National Economic and Social Council (NESC) argues that while there have been many developments in schools including school evaluation, curriculum development, student welfare and teacher accreditation, there still remains some way to go…
NESC publishes Council Report 126: Draft Framework for Sustainable Development for Ireland: A NESC Response
- 16 March 2012
- Type: Press Releases
Dublin, Ireland The Council identifies revisions to improve Irelands framework for sustainable development. At its meetings in December and January, the Council discussed Ireland’s framework for sustainable development and, today, published a written response. The Department of Environment, Community and Local Government (DECLG) is finalising a Framework for Sustainable Development for Ireland (FSDI). The aim…
NESC publishes Council Report 125: Promoting Economic Recovery and Employment in Ireland
- 2 February 2012
- Type: Press Releases
Dublin, Ireland Austerity on its own will not be enough, additional policy initiatives are needed to promote economic growth and employment. The search for practical measures must be relentless and must engage the entire policy system and all economic and social organisations. The Irish National Economic and Social Council, today, argue that current policies will…
NESC publishes Council Report 124: Quality and Standards in Human Services in Ireland: Overview of Concepts and Practice
- 20 December 2011
- Type: Press Releases
NESC publishes the first of a new series of reports which review quality in our public services High quality public services demand much more than minimum compliance with rules and regulations. For human services, such as eldercare and disability, we need to use regulation and standards that focus on performance and outcomes. This is one…
NESC Report 123: Supports and Services for Unemployed Jobseekers
- 9 August 2011
- Type: Press Releases
NESC Publishes New Report Supports and Services for Unemployed Jobseekers NESC Report 123 Dublin, Tuesday August 9th — The National Economic and Social Council (NESC) publishes today a detailed study of how people in Ireland are currently supported while unemployed. Its principal messages include: Reaching all today’s unemployed requires bolder changes in policies Ireland’s labour…