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News & Events
Policy Workshop: Land Use, Land Value and Urban Development
- 7 March 2018
- Type: Events
Ireland’s housing system faces a crisis. While there are many aspects to this crisis, the issue of how to provide affordable rental and/owner occupied housing for growing proportion of the population remains paramount. It is also accepted that Ireland needs to a substantial and sustained increase in the level of investment in public transport particularly…
Appointments of Independent Members to the National Economic and Social Council
- 31 January 2018
- Type: News
Appointments of Independent Members to the National Economic and Social Council are being sought by the Taoiseach. Applications are invited, via, from suitably qualified people who will contribute to the work of the Council.
NESC Dr. Helen Johnston, gives a response at the joint Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection and ESRI conference today
- 31 January 2018
- Type: News
NESC Senior Policy Analyst, Dr. Helen Johnston gives a response at the joint Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection and ESRI national conference today in ESRI, Whitaker Square, Sir John Rogerson’s Quay, Dublin 2. The Department of Employment Affairs & Social Protection along with the Economic and Social Research Institute are organising a national…
NESC publishes Secretariat Paper No 12: Reflections on Infrastructure Policy and Institutional Developments in the UK
- 22 November 2017
- Type: News
NESC publishes research carried out by Senior Policy Analyst, Dr. Damian Thomas and NESC’s Director Dr. Rory O’Donnell. This paper describes and reflects on the evolution of the UK’s approach to infrastructure policy and planning. The purpose is to help inform the development of Irish infrastructure policy as we return to higher levels of investment. The paper focuses…
NESC publishes Council Report 144: Moving Towards the Circular Economy in Ireland
- 25 October 2017
- Type: Press Releases
MEDIA RELEASE NESC Launch: Conversations on the Circular Economy in Ireland 12.01am, Wednesday 25th October 2017 ‘More Action is Needed to Boost the Circular Economy in Ireland’ Today’s report from the National Economic and Social Council (NESC), Moving Towards the Circular Economy in Ireland, finds that there is momentum in circular economy practices in Ireland,…
NESC Launch: Conversations on the Circular Economy in Ireland
- 19 October 2017
- Type: News
NESC is launching the research report, Moving Towards the Circular Economy: Irish Case Studies, written by Dr Simon O’ Rafferty alongside its Council Comments. The research report documents the opportunities and challenges for ten Irish case study organisations as they strive to bring more circular practices to their business and social enterprise models. This ‘bottom-up’ approach to…
NESC’s Director Dr. Rory O’Donnell and Sinead Nic Coitir participate in the 25th EEAC Annual Conference, in Maastricht 12 October 2017
- 11 October 2017
- Type: News
NESC Policy Director Dr. Rory O’Donnell and Sinead Nic Coitir participate in the 25th EEAC Annual Conference, Maastrict, 12 October 2017. Towards the 2030 Agenda and beyond: European cooperation within a new citizens–science–policy interface The EEAC Network is celebrating its 25th Annual Conference on 12 October 2017 in Maastricht, the Netherlands, with an extraordinary event, entitled: Towards the 2030 Agenda and beyond:…
NESC’s Dr. AnneMarie McGauran gives talk in NERI today on women in activation
- 12 July 2017
- Type: News
NESC Policy Analyst Dr. AnneMarie McGauran gives talk in NERI on women in activation at the NERI Seminar Dublin: Welfare and Activation for Partners: Challenges for Irish Policy at ICTU offices, 31/32 Parnell Square, Dublin 1, on Wednesday 12th July, 2017. Abstract: Over the last decade of crisis Ireland pursued significant welfare and activation policy reforms. Pathways to Work…
NESC’s Dr. Jeanne Moore chairs session 1 of Brexit: Implications for the Environment on the island of Ireland
- 16 June 2017
- Type: News
NESC Policy Analyst Dr. Jeanne Moore chairs session 1 of Brexit and the Environment: Impact on the island of Ireland, hosted by The European Parliament in the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Dundalk on 16th June 2017. What impact will Brexit have on the environment on island of Ireland? What do we know about what the EU and UK sides…
New reconstituted NESC Council meets for first time yesterday 24th May
- 25 May 2017
- Type: News
The new reconstituted NESC Council met for the first time yesterday Wednesday 24th May, in Government Buildings. This term will run for 3 years. The size of the Council has decreased. The meetings will now be held four times a year—at the end of each quarter. That council minutes are published as each minute is signed…