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NESC Dr. Helen Johnston, gives a response at the joint Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection and ESRI conference today
- 31 January 2018
- Types: News

NESC Senior Policy Analyst, Dr. Helen Johnston gives a response at the joint Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection and ESRI national conference today in ESRI, Whitaker Square, Sir John Rogerson’s Quay, Dublin 2.
The Department of Employment Affairs & Social Protection along with the Economic and Social Research Institute are organising a national conference to discuss new research on poverty dynamics of social risk groups in the EU.
This conference will feature the publication of new research on Poverty Dynamics of Social Risk Groups in the EU. The researchers are Dorothy Watson, Bertrand Maitre & Raffaele Grotti (of the ESRI) and Christopher T. Whelan (of UCD and Geary Institute of Public Policy).
The report draws on the EU-SILC dataset for selected countries from 2005 to 2014 to investigate changes over the period in the trends and dynamics in poverty for social risk groups in several European countries representing different welfare regimes (Social democratic, Corporatist, Liberal and Southern). The comparative element of the project allowed the researchers to assess whether certain welfare regimes were better at protecting more vulnerable groups such as lone parents, adults with a disability, children and older adults and also addressed a number of research questions. Delegates will be encouraged to exchange views during the plenary discussion.
To view the programme click here.