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Shared Island Shared Opportunity: NESC Comprehensive Report
- April 2022
- Report number: 157
- Topics: Social
- Types: NESC Council Reports
Shared Island: Shared Opportunity NESC Comprehensive Report
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Shared Island: Shared Opportunity_Ex Summary
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As part of the Government’s Shared Island Initiative the Department of the Taoiseach requested NESC to undertake research and to produce a comprehensive report on the Shared Island, to inform the development of the Shared Island Initiative as a whole of Government priority.
This report is the culmination of research on the Shared Island that NESC undertook over 2021. This involved more than 100 meetings with practitioners, policy makers, academics and experts from a diverse range of institutions across the whole island, detailed work in the North West including four focus groups, a public consultation on climate and biodiversity, plus a number of NESC Shared Island publications on the economy, regional development, good jobs, climate and biodiversity, poverty and mental health.
The report draws on all this material to make 3 overarching conclusions.
First, there is very significant support, in practice, for an all-island approach to key economic, social, environmental, and wellbeing challenges.
Second, climate change and biodiversity loss provide a clear and urgent platform for ambitious all-island action and collaboration.
Third, the factors which are shaping current and future collaboration are a shared agenda, resources, political certainty and support, legislative and regulatory coherence, and collaborative projects.
The report makes specific recommendations across five key areas in relation to the economy and investment, social policy, climate and biodiversity, wellbeing measurement and data co-ordination.