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An Opportunity to Review and Reframe Collective Bargaining and the Industrial Relations Regime
- November 2022
- Report number: 31
- Topics: Economic Employment
- Types: NESC Secretariat Papers
This paper was prepared by the NESC Secretariat to support the deliberations of the LEEF High Level Working Group on Collective Bargaining which was established on the 30th of March 2021. While recognising the complexity of the issues being addressed by the Working Group there is an awareness of the need to put in place an employment relations regime that is “fit for purpose” and capable of meeting the needs of a 21st century economy, labour market and society. This Paper contends that the work of the High Level Group represents an opportunity to begin to review and reframe collective bargaining and industrial relations as a key policy instrument for supporting a good jobs economy, enhancing productivity and promoting fairness within the labour market.
The final report of the LEEF High Level Working Group on Collective Bargaining was published on the 6th October 2022 and is available at